where wildly different is perfectly normal
Which is more painful: childbirth or a job search? Discuss.
Which is more painful: childbirth or a job search? Discuss.

Which is more painful: childbirth or a job search? Discuss.

Having suffered through both childbirth and job searches in the past, you’d think one would be far more painful. And you’d be correct. Giving birth without drugs is far less painful than a job search. At the tail end of THE GREAT RECESSION. After ten years out of the job market. With few marketable skills. Three weeks before the end of the school year. With childbirth, you’re pretty much just along for the ride, and you might get some damned good drugs. At the very least, ice chips.

Please God, let the boys enter extremely stable and well-paying careers, for they will need to care for me in my dotage. They owe me.

I posted something similar on Facebook earlier in the week and after chuckling at the suggestions of prison warden and teach music again*, was truly touched by the suggestions of a writing career. My Walter Mitty fantasy. So it’s something I’m considering a little more seriously as I dive into the job search. My brain needs more sustenance than I’m currently giving it, and if I’m going to pull on the pantyhose, it wants to be paid. Can’t say I blame it, poor thing has been working pro bono for nine years now. However, writing isn’t going to pay a whole lot plus I have no idea where to start.

My BFF-if-we-only-lived-in-the-same-town, Melissa, just recently got what I call The Holy Grail of Mom Jobs. An interesting and exciting job that requires her to work from home. Pantyhose optional. She calls it luck; I disagree. Because she is also a musician, I know she’ll get this.


She was totally prepared, having sent out a gazillion plus 2 resumes over the last several months, with nary a nibble. An opportunity presented itself. She was ready. Holy Grail of Mom Jobs attained.

So I search and search and throttle my perfectionist complex and search some more. I know I will find something, it’s out there, and it will be my Holy Grail of Mom Jobs.

I just need to send out a gazillion more resumes. And get some ice chips.

*My Illinois teaching license is up for renewal and while I’ll send in my pittance to keep it current, it’ll be a cold day in hell with a Cubs World Series win before I return to the classroom


  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention She's writing again: Which is more painful: childbirth or a job search? Discuss. -- Topsy.com

  2. I read that on FB about teaching music again and laughed a hearty laugh for you! Hey, at least you’re keeping the license up to date! Maybe if worse came to worse you could get on the sub list for the kids’ schools, or one that’s close anyway! A friend of mine did that when she was laid off from her receptionist job and and been called about three times a week. Just sayin’ extra money, dabbling in the job market. Worst case scenario! Good luck girly! I’m in the throes of a budding photography gig myself (she’s says with fear and hope in her heart).

  3. Amy

    Shudder. Just thinking of having to do a job search is the stuff of nightmares for me right now. Having been out of the job market for ten years, etc, etc. I’m procrastinating by getting my Masters degree and hoping that the job market will be looking slightly better by the time I graduate, all full of newfound knowledge and enthusiasm.
    Good luck on your search!

  4. Sarah

    My view on memories of childbirth are slightly different and definitely skew my houghts on the subject (ie: ceserean with epidural bot working). However I am insane enough to go back to school and conjure up a marketable skill.

    But, as I have said before and will say ad many times as you need… You ROCK!

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