where wildly different is perfectly normal
Decisions, decisions…
Decisions, decisions…

Decisions, decisions…

I have a comic around here somewhere that I saved some time ago, finding it gruesomely funny. In it, the Man with the Yellow Hat is standing over a morose Curious George saying, “Here, George, take your Ritalin so we can go to the circus!” It’s a sad truth. I think drugs are over-prescribed for kids, boys in particular. At what point do you make that decision for your child? It has to be one of the most difficult decisions to make. I watched a friend recently make that decision for her son and it really tore her up. She and her family tried everything and medicating was the last option. Turned out to be what her son needed and they’re doing great.

I don’t want to medicate A. I don’t want to lose the spark that is him, that sparkle that endears him to everyone who meets him. He has so many positive qualities, some of which I envy. But he is seemingly unable to focus on something as simple as “go upstairs, get shoes, come back down.” He’ll get distracted and not come back, or if he does, sans shoes. He is still potty training, actually has regressed since his last GI appointment 2 months ago. He is unable to accept an answer he doesn’t like and will argue to the death (yes, that’s a discipline issue and we’re working on it…). He marches to the beat of his own drummer and I love that, but I worry about kindergarden next fall. He is “UP!” all the time; even having some down time he can’t sit still. The kid has ants in his pants.

Maybe it’s just been a rough few days and that’s coloring my perspective. We’ll continue with a sensory diet to help with the SPD, we’ll continue with the more focused discipline, we’ll continue to fine-tune what we do to help him. We’ll give it another 12-18 months. I want what’s best for my son, I want to enjoy my son, I want to be able to relax.


  1. moe

    I’m no advocate for pumping them full of drugs. My son is 8. Today I sent him to the garage to get a bottle of water, he came back with a helmet (I kid you not) This is not an isolated incident. I think it’s just kids being kids with more important (creative, imaginative, inventive) things on their mind. And my daughter? She is very good at doing what she likes to do. And stubborn… whoo weee! Again, just kids, with their own personality. The toilet training you may want to talk to your doctor about, but the rest…

    let the monkey be a monkey for a while.

  2. Jen

    Moe, thanks! A has sensory processing disorder, a mild case, and we’re working with an OT to get that more under control. He is sensory seeking. The inattention is in addition to that. I don’t want to drug him, really really don’t want to. And he’s been seeing doctors about the potty training thing for about a year now. Not getting a whole lot better. Sigh…still hoping the light at the end of the tunnel isn’t an oncoming train. ; )

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