where wildly different is perfectly normal
A MacBook Pro walks into a bar…
A MacBook Pro walks into a bar…

A MacBook Pro walks into a bar…

and then turns right around when it realized it was being shipped to my house.

Princess’s reign of terror is over. As of 5:30 MST today, she has been replaced. The shiny new toy will be here by the weekend.

Now, to think of an appropriate name for it…


  1. Congrats!! You’re not gonna believe this, but my brother went out and bought me a new laptop this evening. Probably at the same time you were buying your new toy!! Weird, right? They’ll probably be delivered at the same time, since now I have to wait til I see my brother to get mine. (Thank goodness he owed me some money. It sorta feels like a gift. tee hee!) 😛

    Now, like you said, the “twins” just need names!

  2. Welcome to the cult… I mean club! Dang you got a Pro! Nicely done! Precious is a lovely name. If I do say so myself, that’s what I call mine— a lowly iBookG4 still ever so precious to me!

    Now. Stand back as the wind of the Internet whips past you from the speed!

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