where wildly different is perfectly normal
Always look on the bright side of life
Always look on the bright side of life

Always look on the bright side of life

Do doot, da doot da doot da doot!

(And if you knew to whistle that little ditty, then not only are you are a Monty Python fan, but that jingle will be in your head all day. Don’t all thank me at once.)

Someone has really pissed off Mother Nature…but it’s going to be warm here this week (65 tomorrow!), so I should be able to chip away at the ice floe at the end of the driveway.

My van’s windshield has been target practice for all the rocks on the roads…but as soon as it cracks clear across I can get a new, non-chipped one.

The Chicago Bears lost the Super Bowl last night…but it’s only a few short weeks until Spring Training begins for my beloved Cubs. Right now they’re in first place! WooHoo!

My time is not my own this week…but my darling husband found a place that sells Chicago foods, and he picked up a whole bunch of neato (yes, I said neato) thingies (yes, thingies) about the city. That will cover my butt for blog posts this week. Enjoy the Chicago trivia and amusements. If I have time/something to say, I’ll actually write something from my very own brain. ‘Til then, it’s “stuff I have sitting in front of me.”

Looking at the bright side!!!

Whaddya think?

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