where wildly different is perfectly normal
D is for Doubt
D is for Doubt

D is for Doubt

Is he really gifted? How is that possible, he still can’t <insert concern here>!

The mental whispers are loud, so loud. You hear them even as you sleep.

Twice-exceptional? Oh come on, gifted and a learning disability? Never heard of it. Sounds like excuses.

Sometimes to your face, sometimes just a look.

Am I doing enough? I’m doing too much. Maybe I should let them fail.

It doesn’t end. You think there’s a finish line out there somewhere. There isn’t.

I shouldn’t have homeschooled. I shouldn’t have kept her in school. We should have unschooled. We should have followed a strict curriculum.

The doubts join the gremlins but don’t disappear with the sun.

She’s not ready to live on her own. He’s going to live here forever. I’ve failed them, failed my family, failed myself.

The doubts are loud, they are normal, and they lie. We, all of us parenting G2e kids, are doing the best we can with what we have at the time. It’s all we can do, especially now, in This Year of The Never-ending Pandemic 2021. Our job is to shove those doubts into a gunny sack and bludgeon them with a heavy book (we have bookcases of those) until they’re just doubt pudding then pour that mess down the drain and follow it with boiling water and hysterical laughter.

We got this, and I say that to remind myself as much as anyone else.


This is the next in my “whenever-I-remember” series, The ABCs of G2e. Posts on various aspects of gifted and twice-exceptional lives and learning. Why G2e? Because I’m lazy and writing out gifted and twice-exceptional a bazillion times makes me a little nuts…and it just flows better.

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