where wildly different is perfectly normal
Hey, you found me!
HHeeyy,, yyoouu ffoouunndd mmee!!

Hey, you found me!

I don’t know why I did it.

I don’t know why I thought it would be a good idea to pick up and move. Probably because packing up a house, four people, two businesses, and most of all, my scrapbook room would have sent me hurtling down the road to alcoholism.

And sometimes change is good.

So here I am. There’s still lots of unpacking to do, the new platform to figure out, but for the most part, I’m here now. I plan to post again soon, but just in case I don’t, it’s because I’m taking care of all the things I let slide today as I set this up.

Can’t believe I did this. Pass the word; I’d hate to have people miss me. 🙁


  1. Kat

    WordPress is pretty neat! The Wordhawk is enjoying roosting here and gradually getting used to the quirky ins and outs. The stats monitor is great! Poetikat is staying at blogger for the moment.
    Now I’ll just go and change the link for you at Poetikat’s and everything will be cool.

  2. Kat

    WordPress is pretty neat! The Wordhawk is enjoying roosting here and gradually getting used to the quirky ins and outs. The stats monitor is great! Poetikat is staying at blogger for the moment.
    Now I’ll just go and change the link for you at Poetikat’s and everything will be cool.

  3. Oh, crap! Yeah, I found you. No wonder I thought you hadn’t posted in a few days. I forgot to update my feed reader. And here I’m giving you an award tomorrow and touting how much I love your blog–so much so that it was one of the FEW I kept up with while I’ve been so busy! Oops!
    Anyway, look for something from me tomorrow. 🙂

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