where wildly different is perfectly normal
My thoughts on ADHD and gifted
My thoughts on ADHD and gifted

My thoughts on ADHD and gifted

I am so glad today’s my day to post over at An Intense Life. The topic? ADHD. ‘Cause, you know, I try to avoid controversy. Ahem.

I am super duper glad it’s my day because I am currently looking out my window at six inches of heavy, wet snow. We do not own a snowblower, have only one functional shovel, my husband is out of town, and it’s trash day. Perfect storm of profanity. I have taken my three preventative ibuprofen, there is Bailey’s in the fridge for my post-exertion coffee spiking (weekday be damned), and ZOMG I do not want to go out there it is still snowing and the wind chill is 20 degrees. I’m a delicate flower, yo.

Have a great day. I’ll be typing this weekend with my tongue.


  1. amy

    I actually had a discussion last week on the similarities between autism and giftedness (the other person was comparing, and throwing out the possibility that gifted people have a slight form of autism.)

    I think more people need to look into Dabrowski’s Over-excitabilities and Sensitivities. While they may not fit every child to a T, I do believe Dabrowski was on to something with them. At least this is what I accredit my child’s hyperactivity to. (Am I fooling myself?) 🙂

    Stay warm!

    1. Jen

      Oh, I have days when I think that other person may be on the mark. I’ve wondered if my son was on the spectrum, and he’s not. Just quirky gifted who won’t fit into a box. Dabrowki’s OEs make so much sense; A presents STRONGLY in all five. Yeah. Good times, good times. Can’t wait to hear Piechowski at SENG this summer. 🙂

      1. sunny

        Please let us know what you learn! We have one clearly gifted with OEs and ADHD-looking traits, another with SPD and AS signs along with OEs whom I suspect may be gifted, and the third…well, I think is is going to be like our first. We need all the help and insight we can get, lol!!!

        Be careful with the snow! 🙂

    1. Jen

      Sweetbabyjesuswithashovel, that was indeed heart attack snow. Started melting as I shoveled and just kept getting heavier. Three hours of hard labor. I won’t be able to move tomorrow.

  2. Ann (MoCo)

    Jen, you crack me up. Of course I say that knowing I haven’t had to shovel at all this year (weird DC winter . I think the cherry blossom festival will have to be moved to March 1).
    Here’s what hit me this week: our pediatrician died. The one who gifted-anxious-ADD-and-maybe-if-we-were-honest-with-ourselves Aspie boy has had for the past ten years, and who had a good relationship with. Boy seems okay but I am overwhelmingly sad about it. We can keep using the same practice (they lets “kids” stay with them until they are out of college!) but it won’t be the same. Of course life changes, I know , but still.

    Good luck with the snow. One if the few things I dont miss about Chicago!

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