Someday it will all make sense
Crum has challenged me with one of the toughest memes I’ve seen in awhile: the six word memoir. My first thought was, “Holy Heck, I’m only 34, a memoir?????” And then I thought, “Hey, how fun!” And then I realized …
Crum has challenged me with one of the toughest memes I’ve seen in awhile: the six word memoir. My first thought was, “Holy Heck, I’m only 34, a memoir?????” And then I thought, “Hey, how fun!” And then I realized …
This is the true sign of spring. Pretty ugly, ain’t it? Dirty and bulbous and really, Jen, just what the hell is that thing? You don’t recognize him? It’s Roger the Wonder Shrub (aka The Rhubarb Plant Hell-Bent on World …
We’ve always known A was bright, and now J’s light is blinding us. Tonight at dinner: J: Never…ever…never…ever…they rhyme! (big smile!) Tom and I stare at each other with the look of “OhMyGod, another kid we can’t keep up with”…he’s …
To cheer you up and send you on your way to a woohoo! weekend, may I present… The Ultimate Peep Show Those naughty Peeps! Heaven knows what they’re doing in the Easter basket! Have a great weekend!
I know, I know, one day I am truly going to miss hearing J request my company. He is my little sweetheart, tells me he loves me all the time completely unprompted. One day he’s gonna be all, Mom please …
An Iowa Mom yesterday handed her camera to her son and had him take pictures around the house. Ok, good idea. A isn’t around, let’s see what J comes up with. A three and a half year old with my …
Denise, I think I found the little man in the boat. A brought this home today from school. Look closely, you can see a little face. He could be smiling, but the gag around his face cuts it off. What …
This is supposed to be a boat. That is what J’s preschool teacher said this morning. I do not think this looks like a boat. I think this looks like something very unlike a boat. Am I nuts, or do …
Note: the following is a selfish rant, covering all means of topics including but not limited to: intestines, finances, and my husband. I am fairly sure I have never ranted about these before, nor will I again. For as long …