Laughing at Chaos

where wildly different is perfectly normal
Laughing at Chaos

Laughing at Chaos

Rear Window

Karen over at PediaScribe tagged me for the “what’s outside your blogging window?” meme. My laptop is in the corner of the kitchen, in a built-in desk with cabinets and never ever enough space. To my left and slightly behind …


For the last several months I’ve been all whiny and complainy about not having enough time to do all the things I want and need to do. Things like exercise and catching up on work and cleaning the house and, …


Mood: whiny, mildly crabby, will snap out of it mid-afternoonTo-Do list: at 10 (large items) as of 10:20 AM.Weather: sunny and pleasantPlans for the day: take J to Music Together class, hit natural foods store, catch up on aforementioned to-do …