End of an era
I taught my last flute lesson today. It hasn’t hit me yet, that something I’ve done for 17 years is over, that I no longer have flute students. My studio has dwindled so far over the last three years that …
I taught my last flute lesson today. It hasn’t hit me yet, that something I’ve done for 17 years is over, that I no longer have flute students. My studio has dwindled so far over the last three years that …
I bought a new purse yesterday. Not breaking news, but someone explain to me why I keep buying larger and larger bags. Because the very week A goes to first grade and J is (knockwoodmylipstoGod’s ear) potty trained I bought …
1. Running around stark naked really does work. Just be prepared to pony up the cash to clean the carpets once the potty training has taken hold. 2. They are so cute in their character tighty-whities. My favorite has to …
Only one week til school starts…only one week til school starts…only one week til school starts…
Is it hot where you are? I’d guess that most of you in the US would scream YES! back at me and those of you in other parts of the globe would look at me with the “dog going food?” …
Heard from the backseat yesterday: J (making up a song): “I touching my pen!$, I touching my pen!$, I touching my pen!$” Sigh…we really need more estrogen in the house.
Ok, I lied. How about 12 things I love about Chicago and one thing I can’t stand. And I meant to write this last week when I was actually there. 1. The food. Frankly, this is my favorite thing about …
A few weeks ago I posted a bath toys organizing tip. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a link to the shower curtain I used. Now I do. Ta-DA! Mesh Shower Curtain! Many thanks to Karen at Family Briefs (I’ve started to …
A little more than 2 weeks ago Tom and I loaded everything but the kitchen sink into the Family Funster and hit the road. It must be noted that we left at the unholy hour of 3:30 am, so we …
I really don’t like bridges. Ihatethemhatethemhatethemhatethemhatethem. I don’t know where it comes from, but it’s deep and it’s intense. My first year teaching I was living in Iowa and teaching in Illinois and thus had to cross the Mississippi at …