Doorknobs and broomsticks
I used to really keep a clean house. My college roommates loved me for it; I would actually scrub the floor. Hated to have my feet stick to it. Even in grad school, while Tom worked, I’d take study breaks …
I used to really keep a clean house. My college roommates loved me for it; I would actually scrub the floor. Hated to have my feet stick to it. Even in grad school, while Tom worked, I’d take study breaks …
I have my sweet, darling, fast laptop back from the shop. When the woman finally found it yesterday, I think I may have shed a tear and embarrassed myself blubbering in gratitude. They had to replace the hard drive, which …
This is my stock answer when A begins a sentence, “I want…” He’s too young for me to use the actual line, and this gets the point across. It has been eleventy billion degrees here for the last, oh, 12 …
I lucked out in many ways when I married Tom. We’re of the same political persuasion. I believe that religious differences might be easier to iron out that political differences, so the fact that both of us lean far enough …
Before I met Tom, I didn’t date much. As in, only when the planets aligned in all known and unknown galaxies. I don’t know why, maybe my Amazon-goddess height scared guys off. Maybe it’s ’cause I wasn’t Jewish (I grew …
This weekend Tendril’s Ink awarded me a Rockin’ Girl Blogger Award! Thank you! It was a long and very very hot weekend, and getting a cool award was the highlight…along with Tom cooking a private dinner for two for when …
Robin at Around the Island was doing an alphabet meme on “L” this week. It sounded like fun, I asked if I could come over and play, she gave me “M”. I have to come up with 10 things that …
I found this over at Tendril’s Ink and had to take it. Huh. I was surprised. I thought for sure I’d have a Chicago accent. Guess not. But given that both my parents are from Central/Southern Illinois and I went …
A tornado briefly touched down in the mountains yesterday. The Cubs swept the Rockies this week. I managed to move up an anxiously-awaited doctor’s appointment from mid-August to this Tuesday. My relief knows no bounds.
A in school all day. J in school part time. Me getting some much needed peace and quiet to think, exercise, and work. Today was the day I got to see how the fall will go. A has day camp …