Ahh, technology…
Technology…designed to make our lives easier. My PDA keeps me on track. My cell phone keeps me in touch. My computer keeps me insane. My new laptop is in the shop. My beautiful, shiny, fast laptop may have something wrong …
Technology…designed to make our lives easier. My PDA keeps me on track. My cell phone keeps me in touch. My computer keeps me insane. My new laptop is in the shop. My beautiful, shiny, fast laptop may have something wrong …
Summertime…and the livin’ is eeeeasy… Oy. I miss the lazy summer days of my childhood. Drinking iced tea and reading book after book after book. Sweating like a pig to slaughter because we didn’t have air conditioning in the hot …
Eh, I can’t figure it all out, I’m just going to wait for the DVD. But I did find some BB with info. Careful, don’t go a’lookin’ if you don’t want to see spoilers. Clarifying questions Quick links for Pirates …
Dear toy manufacturers, I have two young sons. They take all my energy, my memory, and my sanity. So when I purchase toys for them, I do so with love and with the hope and prayer that they are safe …
{drum roll, please}….. JEN! Congratulations, Jen, you’re the winner of this prestigious award! {sniff} Oh, I’m so proud, so honored to have this honor bestowed upon me. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. So many, so …
Ask me how Roger the Wonder Shrub (aka the rhubarb plant hell-bent on world domination) is doing. Just ask. He’s doing very well, thank you. He’s even better with a scoop of super premium vanilla ice cream.
Please direct your attention to the left, down…further, further. Ok, see the “Search 1500 Momblogs?” That little tidbit is courtesy of Michelle, and she was very generous to share it with me. So if you’re interested in seeing what other …
When I was in high school and college I would write limericks for friends at St. Patty’s Day. I haven’t done it in years, though I’ve thought about it. Jenny McB is hosting a limerick contest (describing your blog) so …
A tightness around the head.A stuffy nose that won’t stop running.Sneeze attacks.A complete inability to form coherent thoughts. No, wait, blame allergies. Allergies causing writer’s block. Allergies caused by the extreme wind today. How extreme? We’re looking at possible 80mph …
When I was in college, I’d go to movies whenever I could. Since I didn’t have a car, and the Bloomington/Normal bus system sucked, I usually hit the cheapo theater on campus. It was actually a lecture hall that had …