Attack of the Bog Beast
A is on spring break this week. Poor kid has a wicked cold. This used to happen to me, without fail, when I would come home from college for anything longer than a weekend. I could finally relax, and bingo! …
A is on spring break this week. Poor kid has a wicked cold. This used to happen to me, without fail, when I would come home from college for anything longer than a weekend. I could finally relax, and bingo! …
It’s a beeyuuutiful day, it’s April, it’s Opening Day for my Cubbies. And we are in first place. May it still be so in September.
Our electric bills have been through the roof lately, so yesterday Tom and I met with Ed, a gentleman from our electric company, for a free energy audit. We were discussing electric vs. gas, and I commented that I wished …
Thirteen Things that make me say WTF??? 1. Ooh, let’s start with what I saw out my window this morning, pre-coffee: It even caught the meteorologists off-guard. I knew we’d get another dose of winter before spring officially hit, but …
Karin has tagged me to participate in a fun blogroll idea. You get to discover and read new blogs, how fun is that? If I linked you and you want to play, great, otherwise no worries, just read and enjoy! …
I have two friends who are pregnant right now. That’s not really news, but they’re both pregnant with their third children. Both of them have girls in A’s kindergarten class and kids J’s age. I can’t imagine being pregnant today. …
Thirteen Things really cool websites, the non-blog edition, in no particular order Disclaimer: I have no connection with any of these sites, I just like ’em. 1. This site is so much fun, especially if you’re a raging geek or …
A goes to a school that lives and dies by parent involvement, both with volunteer hours and with the checkbook. We knew this going in and were fine with it. We’re both former teachers, we fully expected to be very …
Last summer I discovered that my allergies were significantly improved if I took Benadryl AND Sudafed at the same time. I got all the allergy relief, and their side effects cancelled each other out. Seriously, Benadryl knocks me out cold. …