Laughing at Chaos

where wildly different is perfectly normal
Laughing at Chaos

Laughing at Chaos

Oh drat.

I changed my commenting program to Haloscan and promptly lost all my comments. In keeping with trying not to wig out about small things, this craptacular occurrence has been deemed a “small thing” and I’m not going to fret any …

Dem Dems

(I have to note here that I’m posting from the lobby of a hotel in Colorado Springs. Colorado Springs is uber-conservative, so if I am suddenly cut off mid-sentence, it’s because a representative from Focus on the Family has grabbed …


The musicians file into the concert hall, one and two at a time. There’s a sense of anticipation, of excitement in the air. There’s going to be magic here this afternoon. As the audience takes their seats, music fills the …


edit: After writing this and posting it, I dug into my blog and discovered to my great joy that today is my Blogiversary! Happy Blogiversary to me! I feel good that this post landed on my blogiversary, it bodes well …