I have a blog? No way dude!
For some reason, it really cracks up some people that I call my boys “dudes.” I have no idea why. If I had a couple of girly girls, I’d understand it, but I have two very boy boys. So they’re …
For some reason, it really cracks up some people that I call my boys “dudes.” I have no idea why. If I had a couple of girly girls, I’d understand it, but I have two very boy boys. So they’re …
I just got an email from A’s kindergarten teacher. Wow! A is so on task and attentive today. What is different? Better sleep, exercise before class? I have provided him a cushy seat to see if it helps the wiggles …
I saw the movie Poltergeist when I was eight years old, scared the ever-living bejeezus out of me. I’m sure there are scarier movies out there, but hey, I was eight. I don’t think I slept for three days. And …
Horrifying news out of Denver this weekend. A young family went out for hot cocoa Friday night and was mowed down by a drunk driver as they crossed the street. Not hit, mowed down.Four year old Macie wore her princess …
Recently (ok, three weeks ago, which isn’t that recently, but in Pangaea time it’s a blink of the eye) I received one of those “pass it on” emails asking me to describe the sender in one word. So, of course, …
The screaming, the bargaining with higher powers, the exhaustion…and that was just the migraine that blindsided me on Monday. I’m glad the election is over too. Now we can get on with other things in our lives, like bitching that …
The Moron in Chief is in Colorado this weekend, stumping for the Republican candidates. About 45 minutes ago three very large helicopters flew over our house. And I mean over our house. Not “hey, there’re some helicopters over there!” but …
Sweet Mother of GOD is it election day yet? I don’t know how much more I can take. The ads…the screaming, the disbelief, the hysterics…and that’s just me yelling at the TV. Yes, I yell at political ads, it’s my …
But I’ll help the pictures along, ’cause why use one word when you can use three. Isn’t J just about the cutest Bob the Builder you’ve ever seen? He was so excited and had no idea why. He just knew …
I figure there are two kinds of people in this world: Halloween people and non-Halloween people. Halloween people start planning the holiday on November 1st. Their costumes are elaborate, the house decorations even more so. Pets are subjected to humiliating …