Laughing at Chaos

where wildly different is perfectly normal
Laughing at Chaos

Laughing at Chaos

Bad words

There are some words that the boys have learned from me and I’m not terribly thrilled about it. You know the kind…the four-letter type that, when repeated in front of your in-laws, cause much embarrassment and mea culpas. But there …

Happy Birthday

It’s my honey’s birthday today. It’s a big one. He didn’t want a party, didn’t want a shidig (and I tried!), just wanted to go out for dinner and have fun with me. I’m honored. He is such a wonderful …


Bugger! It’s Talk Like A Pirate day and I didn’t even know! Me hearties, get to this site, savvy? If you be searchin’ for a good time, this be the place. I been waiting all year for TLAPD! I can’t …