An open letter
Dear Mr. Sandman, You negligent bastard, where the hell are you? Didn’t you get the memo? There’s a five year old in this house who is trying to recover from a tonsillectomy. Rest, and in particular, sleep, is what he …
Dear Mr. Sandman, You negligent bastard, where the hell are you? Didn’t you get the memo? There’s a five year old in this house who is trying to recover from a tonsillectomy. Rest, and in particular, sleep, is what he …
We all know kids have more fun with boxes than actual toys, but did you know two little boys will have more fun playing astronaut with a big car seat than anything else? Now you do. Where’d they get the …
I love me some dim sum. Growing up outside Chicago, we’d probably hit Chinatown once a month, usually followed by a trip to a museum. I have eaten all manners of things that, if I sat and thought about it, …
Well, A is home and resting. No, let’s make that home and I’m forcing him to rest. The pain meds he’s on is supposed to knock him out and it just ain’t doing that! The best I can get is …
A had his tonsils out yesterday. And his adenoids. And tubes put in. Poor baby. He was so excited going in, it was all a grand adventure. And then he woke up. The look in his eyes was “what happened …
“Mom, come look! Something amazing!” (barely into one cup of coffee…) “Huh?” (A has safety scizzors from nail-care kit in his hand) “I cut J’s hair!” (WTF?????) “HUH?” “Yeah, come see!” (Damn right I’m gonna come see!) “Where did you …
The dog days of summer have hit and I got nuttin. Except…we have the dog days of summer, but what is the winter equivalent? That’s usually February for me…I guess I could call it the “oh God please let winter …
You vetoed hope. I don’t know how you can sleep at night. There are thousands of people, real, live, voting people out there in desperate need of medical advances to beat the diseases they have. Embryos, uh, don’t vote. They’re …
I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest last night. I loved it. It was exciting, it was fun, it was a great popcorn movie. I was left wishing I had a more exciting life; life in …
A is five. The biggest hurdle with him, from day one, is the unpredictability, both good and not-so-good. As an infant, he rarely slept more than 2 hours at a stretch (this finally resolved itself somewhat by the time he …