Laughing at Chaos

where wildly different is perfectly normal
Laughing at Chaos

Laughing at Chaos

I am a runner

I got talked into running a 5k in September. That’s what you get when you casually mention to your personal trainer (who is also a good friend) that a 5k is something you might want to do “someday.” The next …

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day to you. Hopefully you’re enjoying your day off, having a beer and brat, and basically doing nothing. But today is about remembering our soldiers, especially the fallen. So today I’m going to remember Tim. I went to …

Out of sorts

I’m not the world’s greatest housekeeper. I figure, if the health department isn’t at the door, threatening to take away the boys, I’m doing ok for this point in life. Basically, I’m a “place for everything and everthing in its …