Me Mudder
When me prayers were poorly saidWho tucked me in me widdle bedAnd spanked me till me arse was wedMe MudderWho took me from me cozy cotAnd put me on the ice cold potAnd made me pee if I could notMe …
And to cap off Hell Week…
I just spilled beer into my laptop. And my PDA. And my cell phone. It was a Fat Tire. It was my last one. Shit.
Hell week is almost over!
J’s tubes are in, he was great. Tomorrow we get to sit around and wait for the dryer repairman (ooh, third time, still not fixed!) and the insulation inspector. Now, don’t that just sound like fun? Basement is several days …
The Big Day
Holy c-RAP! What a long day. And the court date was the shortest part of it! Wow. Just…wow. The stunners just don’t stop. After the shock yesterday of the guy blowing a .291, today found out the rest of the …
Holy DUI, Batman!
So the latest word is that I don’t need to testify tomorrow, that Mr. Idiot decided to plea bargain. I’m still going. I have childcare lined up, and there is still the chance that he could change his mind and …
Not a Happy Housewife
Dear Basement Inspector: You blew me off on Friday, when I was stuck here all day with 2 hyper boys. I missed you today because I was teaching a music class. Leaving me a note saying that you were here …
Decisions, decisions…
I have a comic around here somewhere that I saved some time ago, finding it gruesomely funny. In it, the Man with the Yellow Hat is standing over a morose Curious George saying, “Here, George, take your Ritalin so we …
SPD is real
Dr. Lucy Jane Miller is going to be on the Today show on Tuesday morning. Who is she, you ask? She is the leading (oh, hell, the ONLY) researcher on Sensory Processing Disorder. She has a new book out and …