I believe the most important thing you can teach a child is compassion. I think most things come back to having compassion for your fellow man. So we’ve really worked to teach and model empathy and compassion to A. I …
I believe the most important thing you can teach a child is compassion. I think most things come back to having compassion for your fellow man. So we’ve really worked to teach and model empathy and compassion to A. I …
Thirteen Things I just can’t believe 1. J does not have pink eye. Apparently it is some sort of eye goop disgusting thing that he’s enjoying smearing on my sweater. Eye drops help. So does Benedryl. 2. Both boys have …
Things that should be pink:flowerssunrises/sunsetsa good steak Things that should NOT be pink:men’s dress shirtsthe center of my chicken dinnereyes Please, oh please, let it just be a cold messing with J’s eyes.
So I’ve decided to do something new. I’m going to start Gratitude Wednesday. Every Wednesday I’m going to post five things I’m grateful for. If you want to participate, leave your link and I’ll add it. I figure, blogs tend …
J is getting so big. At 19 months, he knows the letter “E”, is showing interest in potty training (THANK YOU GOD!), can tell me when he needs changed, and knows the following body parts: head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, …
I had book club tonight. The book was “Pope Joan” by Donna Woolfolk Cross. I was only about 100 pages in, of a 400+ page book. I went anyway. I miss reading. I used to read a lot. A.LOT. From …
So Tom has finally written a post (ok, 3!) on his blog. He’s only had it since,oh, the beginning of January, but finally got something written tonight. He’s been sitting here for a couple of hours writing and I haven’t …
I believe I said something about “hope I don’t forget to buy a Powerball ticket…” Guess what I did? Forgot to buy a Powerball ticket. One winner. In Nebraska! Oy. Hope it was my brother in law, buying it in …
It is wicked cold out here. I haven’t seen this kind of cold in a verrrrryyyy long time. Uh, it was windchill -25 today at about 8 am. We didn’t go anywhere, partly due to the cold, and partly ’cause …