Timely parenting comic
I love the comic Committed. My local paper stopped carrying it so I have it delivered to my inbox every morning. Today’s is especially appropriate, given my “you must have more than one kid to be a real parent” rant …
I love the comic Committed. My local paper stopped carrying it so I have it delivered to my inbox every morning. Today’s is especially appropriate, given my “you must have more than one kid to be a real parent” rant …
Thirteen Things about JenRandom thoughts 1…It finally snowed! A lot! We got over 5 inches. Of course, this means I won’t be able to rely on the Divine Intervention Method of snow removal. Guess I know what I’m doing this …
Well, no death, but my taxes are finally done. Ok, not done, but the damn paperwork is all in order so I can take ’em to my tax preparer. I refuse to do our taxes. I don’t have the skill, …
Your Candy Heart Says “Hug Me” A total sweetheart, you always have a lot of love to give out.Your heart is open to where ever love takes you! Your ideal Valentine’s Day date: a surprise romantic evening that you’ve planned …
If there’s a Bush in the White House, is it required that there be Quail jokes? So, those who know me know that I tend to be fairly liberal. This can be quite interesting in uber-conservative Colorado. At least I …
I’m so excited, I have something to contribute for Flashback Friday! This week’s topic is Valentine’s Day, be it happy or sad, sappy or whatever. I have a good one. Our first V-Day as a married couple. Hooboy. We were …
It finally snowed here. Two whopping inches. Hallelujah! But it’s a start. It’s supposed to be 50 degrees on Sunday. Remind me of this “winter” weather come April and we’re buried under four feet of snow.
No, I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth. I just tripped and went flying around for awhile. I’m still here, just shaking and looking around going, “Wha? Where’d the last week go?” There’s nuts around this house, and …
You Are 30% Weird Not enough to scare other people…But sometimes you scare yourself. How Weird Are You?
When I was in college, I was in a woodwind trio. Flute, clarinet, bassoon. An unusual combination, but enough literature to make it fun. Our advisor was the clarinet professor, truly one of the coolest guys I’ve known. And one …