Friday fluff
Your Life Path Number is 7 Your purpose in life is to find truth and meaning You are very spiritual, and you are interested in the mysteries of life.You are quite analytical and a great thinker. You have many theories …
Your Life Path Number is 7 Your purpose in life is to find truth and meaning You are very spiritual, and you are interested in the mysteries of life.You are quite analytical and a great thinker. You have many theories …
Well, just based on my site meter (woohoo! over 100!…it’s the little things that make me happy), people are meandering through here. And I don’t just think it’s Karin and Theresa either. So humor me and leave a note in …
I’ve been teaching for a long time. Well, some 14 years or so, but it feels like a long time. I used to be a middle school/elementary band director. I did that for 2 years and decided that 1 on …
This has been my last couple of days. As long as I keep the plates spinning, all is well. If one slows, it all comes tumbling down. I’ve had plates in my life crash lately, and while I don’t like …
Cub ItDefinition: 1) To blow a perfectly good sports season, a la Chicago Cubs. 2) To fall short of a goal 3) To royally screw up, driving fans insane Congrats to all the Steelers fans out there, the team simply …
I’m back in town after being at a music convention. Actually, Tom was at the music convention. I stayed in the hotel room and did abso-freakin’-lutely nothing. I slept obscenely late, read books (READ BOOKS! DO YOU KNOW HOW BIG …
Holy Crap, what is with this wind? It’s been blowing all night, gusts up to 90 mph. I didn’t sleep much last night, kept waiting for the roof to blow off. I need to do a shingle check today. Our …
Bathtime here is always, um, interesting. I bathe the boys together ’cause frankly, I’m lazy and don’t want to have to do bathtime twice. And they love it. But I never know what kind of bath I’m in for when …
When I talk to people outside of Colorado, the assumption is that it’s cold and snowy here all winter long. Up in the mountains, yeah, it’s cold and snowy. On the Front Range, uh, not so much. It was 69 …
Slowly but surely I’m figuring out this blog thing. Never thought I’d be learning html, but hey, it’ll keep my mind young. Got the links up, that’s an accomplishment. Still trying to figure out how to respond to comments via …