I am not hungover.
I am not pierced/tattooed/someone’s bitch. Well, maybe Tom’s.
I am, however, very very tired. And buried in laundry. And breathlessly overwhelmed by the laundry/mail/dishes/email/miscellaneous crap that has piled up in our absence.
Back soon with a recap. And yes, we did actually go through with the whole Vegas/Elvis wedding.
I can NOT wait to see the photos!! Congratulations!
glad you’re home safe and sound. Will wait anxiously to read a full report.
Can not wait to hear all about it. I love Vegas.
Just mail that bouquet to me, since I wasn’t there to catch it, okay? I’m thinking it would be fun to renew the vows…
Glad you are back safe & sound!
Sounds like fun!
Can’t wait to hear all about it.
Pictures! Pictures!
Can’t wait to hear about Elvis!
Oh, and tag!