2e Tuesday: Growing into himself
As my boys get older, I’ve found it’s getting more and more challenging to write honestly about their lives. I’m not the first blogger to run into this, not by a long shot, but it’s not exactly something I was …
As my boys get older, I’ve found it’s getting more and more challenging to write honestly about their lives. I’m not the first blogger to run into this, not by a long shot, but it’s not exactly something I was …
When I started this blog seven years ago today I had a toddler, a preschooler, and the misguided belief that things would get easier when they were older. Oh silly silly Jen! The boys may be able to fasten their …
*AKA The brain’s CEO is out having a three-martini lunch* I’m a little wound up today. The day is zipping by, I still have to finish prepping for Thanksgiving, the house is a disaster (no, really, it needs a vacuum …
Wow, Jen! A 2e Tuesday! How’d you pull that off? Shaddup, mean little head-voice. I’ve been busy, and Tuesdays just kept sneaking up on me and I wouldn’t have a topic planned and I didn’t want to do a half-assed …
When I chose grateful as my Word of the Year 2012, I knew it would be a challenge. Trying to be grateful when life continues to throw skull-cracking curveballs is far from easy. Most days I call it good if I …
“When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.” — Franklin D. Roosevelt I actually do not like this quote much, even though it is true. This quote is the rallying cry of …
Welcome to the very first 2e Tuesday at Laughing at Chaos! This is a series I’ve wanted to do for awhile, and just have never gotten around to do. I don’t have any more time or brain power now than …