Notes on a Saturday
Dear sweet God, but is it good to be home. I crawled into my soft and electric-blanket heated bed and nearly broke into tears. There…there was support! And there was comfort! And there was padding! No feeling of sleeping on …
Dear sweet God, but is it good to be home. I crawled into my soft and electric-blanket heated bed and nearly broke into tears. There…there was support! And there was comfort! And there was padding! No feeling of sleeping on …
Today is the last day of Princess the PMSing Laptop’s three year extended warranty. I know this only because the Geek Squad keeps sending me reminders. THE WARRANTY IS ABOUT TO EXPIRE! and RENEW NOW! and YOUR COMPUTER WILL SELF-DESTRUCT …
Based on how bad I feel this morning I should have been up all night partying the night away, drinking straight EverClear with a Moonshine chaser. I think my body is testing how dizzy I can possibly get before I …
I ripped that quote out of the most recent issue of Natural Solutions magazine, and taped it to my laptop so I see it every day. It was in an article about managing an allergen-free diet during the holidays, I …
My pad of virtual paper is thick and fresh, with no indentations from previous writing; my cursor is freshly sharpened; the ideas mapped out kinda sorta not really no. Yes, ’tis the start of NaBloPoMo 2009! Never mind that the …
It’s snowing. A lot. Like, you’re going to see Denver on the evening news LOT. I think there’s maybe eight inches on the ground now, blowing and drifting, with another 18+ expected by tomorrow night. The kicker? My kids had …
I have to attribute this to Stimey, who posted it on Twitter last week, attributing it to someone else and that’s as far as I’m going because frankly, I’m already lost. Do you use Google Reader? Yes? Good. Overwhelmed by …
Part of my morning routine, once I turn off the two alarm clocks, is to crank up the iPhone and stick it right in my eyes so the glare wakes me up. Not for everyone, I know. I check email, …
Why is it, when you run out with the kids to just do a couple of easy errands, having had 1/2 pot of coffee and 1/2 a water bottle, you will miss the last exit before a nasty roll-over accident …