I’m participating in the “Ten Words” game I read about over at Cursing Mama. She assigned me the letter “C”. I’ll write 10 words that start with that letter and a wee bit about why I chose that word. If you want to play along, leave a comment and I’ll assign you a letter.

6) Courage. This guy in New York who saved that other guy’s live on the subway tracks. Wow. I can’t believe his courage. I use the subway in Chicago and I’m always terrified of the closeness of it all. Fast trains, small area, lots of people. Makes me nervous. To actually jump onto the tracks…he truly is a hero. I…I just hope…with all the witnesses, this couldn’t possibly be a false story.
7) Climate. AHA! I knew I could fit snow in here. Believe it or not, we’re supposed to get another 4-6 inches tonight. Where the hell are we supposed to put it? I’m shipping it to Buffalo; apparently they’re dying for a good snowfall.
8) Children. Could I please sit quietly, or at the very least, pee in peace? Yeah, yeah, you’ll move out someday and I’ll miss you terribly, but good God, a quiet morning constitutional isn’t too much to ask.
10) Count. Yeah, gotta work on that. ; )
I’ll play!! You picked good words – and I love that you got snow in there!!
Hows about Cheater?
😉 (sneaky on that snow)