Dude, I am totally going to pat myself on the back for doing a week in review, two weeks in a row! Truly, it’s the little things around here. So let’s check in and see what’s been goin’ down.
- I’m done with winter. It can be spring now. Explain to me how, if we have gas heat, my electric bill is three times MORE than the gas bill? I know it was snot-freezing cold several weeks ago, but those numbers just don’t add up. In our new house I swear I’m going to install a wood burning stove and call it a day.
- It is starting to become clear to me just what life is going to be like once Tom moves to Chicago without us. In related news, I am mourning the fact that our liquor store does not have a frequent buyer program. Or panic rooms.
- The boys and I had a Come to Jesus meeting last night about homework, attitude, and working harder than mom. We shall see if it works, or if I need to get other deities and prophets involved as well.
- We dropped our satellite TV last week, got a Roku, and haven’t looked back. Know what I did last night? Read.A.Book. I know, stunning! Especially if you’re my friend on Good Reads and see all the books go on, but never come off. It’s where reading lists go to die.
- The best music for a cold, foggy day like today is bluegrass.
- The new iPads will be announced next week. I swear I will not be in line to get one, but will wait until after the move. And then I shall do unspeakable things to it, like give it a name, slap its ass, and call it Sally. Better name it Sally then.
- I might be dense, so help me out here. Explain to me how, if Chicago is #2 in foreclosures, there are few for sale? I’m sure there are all kinds of reasons, but we’d really like to throw our money at something, and nothing new in the area we want has come on the market in two weeks.
- By shear chance I have found the person I want to do my tattoo, when I get around to actually figuring out an image and following through with it. Go to her website, check out the gallery, and tell me I’m not wrong.
- The boys had a four day week this week and will have a four day week next week. Explain to me why, if test scores are abysmal and everyone is up in arms about the quality of education our kids are getting, kids aren’t in school more? Maybe then they wouldn’t have to spend every hour there on test prep and maybe do things like, I don’t know, LEARN.
- It’s pizza night. Again. Last the last hundred Fridays.
- One showing. We’ve only had one showing. Trying not to panic. The house showing phone number is programmed to play “Tiki Tiki Tiki Room” on my iPhone. I have never wanted to hear animatronic parrots so badly in my life. And now you have that song in your head. You’re welcome.
I totally and absolutely MUST have this mug. Doing a random search on “House of Chaos” brought up this Zazzle site. If there was a wineglass available it would already be ordered. As it is, I’m a wee bit ticked that this guy got to this idea before me. Perhaps I should start my own Zazzle/CafePress site.
Ok, plans for better posts this weekend, but I also intend to be kicked out of my house for a gazillion showings, so we’ll see.
Have you tried burying a St. Joseph statue in your yard? Google it, if you’ve never heard of this.
I’m not superstitious, and it’s probably purely coincidental, but the people I know who did this sold their houses shortly after doing so.
Wait. Should I type that I’m not superstitious out loud or will it jinx something? Knock on wood! 😉
Holy Cow…you are moving to Chicago? Seriously?
That’s like a stone’s throw from me and I worked in the city for 10 years. If you have any questions about the area, feel free to email me. Are you living in the city proper or in the suburban areas?
That would be cool to visit once you get settled. Yeah, I know I barely know you…but I know what a house of chaos is like…with gifted/intense kidlets.
Best Wishes.