where wildly different is perfectly normal
Thursday Thirteen–Things on my mind
Thursday Thirteen–Things on my mind

Thursday Thirteen–Things on my mind

Thirteen Things On My Mind
1. J is 21 months today. Where has the time gone? He was such a little guy when he was born, and now he’s traipsing about the backyard with A. I’m so glad they’re such good friends.

2. A is going to be 5 tomorrow. He is telling everyone that he’s going to be “a whole hand!” The countdown has been on for 6 months, I am not kidding.

3. It’s beautiful here today; going to be 83 and windy. I’d mulch the trees, but I don’t know if I’m up to chasing fresh mulch down the street.

4. My in-laws will be here tomorrow. They haven’t been out here since J was born. We’ve been to Iowa three times since then, but it’s been awhile since they’ve been out here. I love my in-laws, but it’s always stressful when you have company. Mainly with the boys. They don’t get to see their grandparents very often, so when they do, they’re excitable, especially A. So the grandparents think he’s like that all the time, which he is, but it’s ramped up for company.

5. I’m volunteering in A’s preschool class this afternoon. I love volunteering, but it just sucks my afternoon away.

6. We have our final construction meeting this afternoon with the company that is finishing our basement. What, you thought we were doing it ourselves? Bra-hahahahahaha!!!! I love doing home improvements, but my hands are full, and Tom burned out on projects when he had to spend his 13th birthday blowing insulation into the house that had to be rebuilt after the tornado blew away his house. They start next week, and (fingers crossed) should be done by July 1st. We’ll know more this afternoon.

7. I almost hate to write this, ’cause it’ll jinx it, but (shhhhh…) the Cubs are in first place. Can’t believe I wrote that. And my brother is going to the game this afternoon while I am forced to miss watching on WGN because of #5.

8. I told my students I wasn’t returning to teach after next month. Needless to say, they weren’t too thrilled. But they’re welcome to come to my house in January for lessons. I think that’ll work better for all of us.

9. I’ve started keeping a food diary. I met with my personal trainer on Tuesday and it was humbling. The weight I gained on that freakin’ steroid has made itself at home. Joy joy…I have less than two months until Tom and I go on vacation and I’m not treating this weight to an all-expense paid trip.

10. Am I there yet?

11. I’ll do anything to not have to fight A about going to the bathroom. So.Sick.Of.It.

12. J is going nekkid this summer, will water the new tree in the backyard, I don’t care, but he’s out of diapers by winter.

13. A has his birthday party on Saturday. Pray for me. I don’t like kids’ birthday parties, they send me over the edge. Too much overstimulation. But he didn’t get one last year, so I caved…but he may not get one next year. Or until he’s 10, I haven’t decided.

Have a great day!

edit You’d think I’d learn…Cubs lost 8-3. Sigh…

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One comment

  1. Karin

    Wow it’s supposed to be 97 here today. UGH! It’s 82 now and it’s only 11:30 am, so that doesn’t bode well. I is supposed to cool back down into the 80s for awhile, but that’s just way too close to 100 for my taste. It’s APRIL.

    Anyway, go Cubs! (Except when they play the Dbacks ;))

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